Boulder Ten. Our show Troubadour Dave Gunders has a blues song named Revelation Town capturing the mood of Boulder Colorado stricken with brutal gun violence. The King Soopers murder of ten innocent people hits close to home. We grieve. And then what?
We keep living. And trying to make positive changes. We interview political leaders like Colorado State Rep. Steven Woodrow who has outstanding points to make in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge about gun control, voting rights, the Big Lie, and the Trump Insurrection. Plus some Passover talk.
Ken Toltz is longtime Dem operative and gun control advocate who lived years in South Boulder. This native Denverite tells the history of Dependable Cleaners and King Soopers. Ken recently moved to Israel and tells us about that country’s election, gun laws, and Covid response.
In times of tragedy, community is vital. Please support Boulder’s rebound with your thoughts, prayers, contributions, visits, and retail and restaurant purchases. Lord grant love and peace to the family and friends of the Boulder Ten. May their memories be a blessing.