Interesting events are happening at Denver courthouses now that society may be coming out of pandemic. Outstanding Denver attorney Jeff Pagliuca just won large 2.5-million-dollar verdict in Denver Federal Court with compelling bad police shooting civil case, Valdez v Motyka. Hear all about it in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge.
Next, we have sound of the week including defendant Joe Oltmann’s reaction to his hearing in Denver District Courtroom 409. He and other defendants are trying to get Dominion Voting System’s Eric Coomer’s lawsuit dismissed. Wait till you hear what was said about Judge Moses.
Heidi Beedle has heard harsh words before. As a transexual reporter for the Colorado Springs Independent, she’s encountered Joe Oltmann and studied the moves he and his allies have been making to dominate large segments of Colorado’s GOP.
Troubadour Dave Gunders provides his intriguing song named Ruby in the Rough. Sometimes, you must dig deep to get the real story. Truths are coming out through the adversary process in Denver courthouses again. Let’s hope truth and justice prevail and our Rule of Law (and country) maintained.