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  • Writer's pictureCraig Silverman

Ep 222  – Craig’s Colorado Corner Represents! Joe Salazar and Steve Woodrow

Colorado’s fresh panel show podcast about the Trump litigation may have its best and final show. The US Supreme Court is shutting down all the litigations with its awful immunity ruling in  Trump v. USA. 

We feature two fine attorneys with long tenures in the Colorado House. Steven Woodrow is a Democrat representing House District 2 in Denver. Rep. Woodrow shows courage even engaging in this talk about replacing Joe, President Joe Biden, that is.

Our other special panelist is former Colorado State Rep. and longtime civil rights lawyer Joe Salazar. He was vice chair of the House Judiciary and State, Veterans, and Military Affairs committees and is now a member of the DNC. Joe Salazar objects to Joe Biden's coronation, citing the debate debacle as Exhibit One. 

We discuss the fitness of Joe Biden to continue on as the Democratic Party nominee. Or can Dems do a lot better with Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, Rafael Warnock, or Michelle Obama?

The, we move on to contemplate the implications of the horrible Supreme court ruling turning our President into a sovereign, with immunity for official acts, even if they involve murder, rape or theft. Immunity for the most amoral president we’ve ever had.

Joe Salazar is stepping up. And wait till you hear his closing argument citing fellow delegate to the DNC, James Zogby. They are rounding up the support of others before voting in Chicago.

This panel show will entertain you and make you think. Thanks to the US Supreme Court, the Trump litigations are on permanent “sorting out Trump’s immunity” claims. But Joe Salazar and Steve Woodrow are excellent guests. Enjoy.

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