Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge went to Krakow, Poland to catch up with accomplished Colorado personal injury lawyer, Greg Gold, who has gone to Eastern Europe to battle tyranny and Putin. Speaking after touring Auschwitz, and right before he heads to Lviv, Ukraine to drop off supplies, Greg profoundly discusses eastern European history and current distressing events.
Along the way, Greg discovered Rudolf Miczka, a sharp 27-year-old proud Polish native, historian, and tour guide. We get to know Rudolf too, as the Friday sun set on Poland, Ukraine’s neighbor to the west. We puzzle out next moves and whether America is handling situation well.
Further east Friday evening was our Israeli correspondent and former Colorado Front Range politico and columnist, Ken Toltz. We remember when Ken ran against Tom Tancredo for Congress in 2000. Ken, now writing for the Jerusalem Post, has a firm grasp on politics in Colorado, America and the Holy Land. Ken explains the view of America and Putin from Israel.
Dave Gunders also travels this week, to the foreign feeling city of New Orleans for JazzFest. Our Troubadour discusses his beautiful song named A Sun Still Shining. After a rough week of losing stocks, ongoing bombardment of Ukraine, and Norm Early departing this mortal coil, we need to see a sun is still shining.
Episode 95 provides foreign perspectives with a Colorado twist. A new show every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time. Check out also our Bonus Edition - Norm Early Remembered - the Last Interview.