Morning light. The world starts anew. We open our eyes. Most of us wait till the sun is in the summer sky but not those who have to rise early for work. For many years, famed meteorologist Marty Coniglio woke in the wee hours of the morning to be part of the wake-up crew at 9News.
Others just love the morning. That is true for our Troubadour, Dave Gunders, who gifts us this week with his beautiful song, Light of the Morning. And the story behind it goes back to pre-WWII Germany before the Nazis seized total power and imposed its murderous fascism.
Marty Coniglio lost his job by tweeting a photo of Nazi brownshirts with Hitler and under a Swastika the words: Federal Police in cities . . . now where have I seen that before? The very first time Marty’s commenting on the situation will be on my August 22, 2020 show.
Special guest in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge is former Denver DA Mitch Morrissey. He will speak about violence in Colorado's capital city, whether there’s systematic racism in criminal justice system, and the upcoming election.
Don’t miss it.