Old pals renew ties. Memories of Geraldo’s wedding 20 years ago treasured. Conversation touches on JonBenet, Columbine, and the Colorado prosecution of the late Kobe Bryant. But the main topic is Geraldo’s old pal, Donald Trump, and why he should never again be president.
Geraldo knows Trump well. The former president called him regularly. Breaking with his pal has not been easy but January 6, 2021 was a final breaking point for America'’s longest running major newsman. Also a lawyer, Geraldo Rivera breaks down the Trump litigations.
Listen to Geraldo Rivera recount his conversation on Friday, November 13, 2020 with Trump in which it seemed as if Trump was resigned to defeat. But then he asked Geraldo, “What do you know about Dominion?” Premeditated attack on Dominion Voting Systems headquartered in Denver reviewed.
OJ Simpson case remembered along with the propriety of piling on charges on blameworthy defendants. Media job options in the age of Trump discussed. Geraldo reveals his future plans. Back in the day, we remember when Geraldo saved Harris kids in Haiti. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/geraldo-rivera-to-the-res_b_426999