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  • Writer's pictureCraig Silverman

Episode 189  - Honorable Judge J. Michael Luttig

Judge J. Michael Luttig, a prominent conservative jurist 1991 -2006, worked as Boeing's general counsel from 2006 - 2019. Beginning his career in the Jerry Ford White House, he developed close ties with Supreme Court members and was a lawyer for President Ronald Reagan. In 1991, George H.W. Bush appointed him to the Fourth Circuit.

Republican leaders know that Judge Luttig is an expert on the US Constitution, which is why VP Pence wanted Judge Luttig to weigh in publicly on whether the VP had any right to not count the electoral college votes on January 6. Thrilling US history comes alive in the captivating and vibrant narrative Judge Luttig provides.

Born in Texas, Judge Luttig became the federal appellate court judge who fed clerks like John Eastman to the most conservative members of the United States Supreme Court. Judge Luttig and the late Justice Scalia were close. Judge Luttig tells us what Scalia would do with the Article Three - 14th Amendment case. He’d affirm the Colorado Supreme Court.

Discover how Judge Luttig discovered our show—it all began with Craig Silverman's Colorado Sun column, caught by Judge Luttig during his time in Vail. Impressed, he reached out,, on X of all places. Xitter played huge role 3 Christmas breaks ago as Luttig and Pence saved democracy. .

Learn more about this historic and legendary American attorney. Judge Luttig delves deep into American history, highlighting pivotal moments post Civil War, 3 years ago, and last week as  CO S/Ct followed his Article Three, Fourteenth Amendment trail with an epic opinion resonating across Maine and the entire nation. 

Judge Luttig specifically sought to commend the exceptional scholarship and historical significance evident in the majority ruling of Anderson v Griswold. His expertise in Constitutional writing lends weight to his high praise—a sentiment that carries weight among justices like Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Kavanaugh, and others who are likely to hold his opinion in high regard.

Show Troubadour Dave Gunders' music sets the scene as Judge Luttig candidly shares insights, sitting by his historic Vail fireplace. “Fire in My Hearth” echoes the warmth felt for Judge and Elizabeth Luttig, honoring their pivotal role in safeguarding America. This musical ode is dedicated to their valor! Is there special obligation on lawyers now? You bet.

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