Brand new CU President Todd Saliman answers questions about his dream job. Find out why the CU Regents selected him unanimously. Learn Todd Saliman’s local roots, educational and public service background, and his fierce determination to make CU the best.
Arguably the best CU President ever was George Norlin, who in 1917, served two decades. That’s when Norlin had CU’s distinctive architecture designed and installed. A century ago, Norlin resisted the Klu Klux Klan which was dominating Colorado and our politics. Saliman discusses Norlin and his legacy, and the Norlin Charge delivered annually at commencement to new CU grads. The Norlin Charge | Commencement | University of Colorado Boulder
Troubadour Dave Gunders went to CU-Boulder where he found inspiration for his song, Safe Haven. We all need refuge in people, or places, in times of turmoil. Even with all its recent problems, Boulder remains one of the best places in the world to live, and a haven.
Marshall Fogel attended CU too before becoming a Denver deputy district attorney and then counsel for the Denver police unions. Along the way, he got to know and love the DPD’s Jerry Kennedy who just passed away. Listen to beautiful tribute to Chief Kennedy by his friend and attorney.
Active Colorado trial lawyer Greg Gold told us two weeks ago about his plans to help Ukraine, and now we find out the rest of the story. Listen to lawyer Lt. Alex Gorgan from the front lines of the Ukraine War in Craig's Lawyers Lounge. Find out how you can help fight Putin.
Finally, Kyle Clark has agreed to come on the podcast and is willing to talk about his ongoing broadcasting battle with Dan Caplis. Dan Caplis was invited but thus far, is not available. Find out more with fascinating soundbites at the end of this podcast explaining their dispute.
Episode 97 brings you current events and fascinating guests with a Colorado twist. Please keep Ukraine and Lt. Gorgan in your thoughts and prayers. Tune in every Saturday morning at 9 AM Colorado time for fresh episodes